Specific steps for using solar water heaters

When using a solar water heater, the operation method is relatively simple, but you must pay attention to some key points to ensure its efficient and safe operation. The following are the specific steps to use:


Initial use

1. Fill the water tank: For pressurized solar water heaters, before using the solar water heater for the first time, you need to let the cold water pipeline automatically fill with water, or manually open the cold water valve to fill the tank with water, which must be filled with water to ensure that there is no air residue.

2. Check the tank's water level: For non-pressurized solar water heaters, if the solar water heater is equipped with a water level display, you can check whether the tank is full through the display. Without the monitor, you can observe from the overflow, water from the overflow when the tank is full.

3. Check the system:Before the initial use, you need to check the entire solar water heater system to ensure that there are no leaks in any of the connections and that the pumps, valves, and other components are working properly. Special attention should also be given to the temperature sensor and controller to ensure their sensitivity and accuracy.

4. Initial heating:After the water injection is complete, close all the valves and wait for a sunny day to start the heating process. Typically, when the sun is strong, it takes about 4-6 hours for the water temperature to reach 50-60 degrees Celsius. It is recommended to perform the first heating during the day so you can monitor whether the system is functioning properly, ensuring the water heater operates correctly in the future.

Daily use

1. Use hot water as needed: In daily life, hot water is supplied by solar heating. When you use it, you can adjust the suitable water temperature through the hot and cold water mixing valve to avoid the water temperature being too high or too low.

2. Reasonable choice of water time: For best results, it is recommended to use hot water on sunny afternoons and evenings, when the water temperature in the tank usually reaches its maximum. Especially on sunny days, the water temperature will be higher.

Auxiliary heating

Electric Heating Auxiliary Function: When the weather is cloudy or there is no sunshine for many days in a row, the electric heating auxiliary device can be turned on to ensure the supply of hot water. The electric heating function is usually enabled through the control panel or manual switch, and care should be taken to set the proper heating temperature to avoid wasting energy.

Water tank filling

Regular refilling: Ensure that there is always enough water in the water tank. After each use of hot water, cold water should be replenished in the water tank, open the cold water inlet valve, and wait for the water tank to be filled and then closed. If the water tank does not have an automatic refill function, you need to refill it manually. Be careful to avoid large amounts of water filling operation at night or on rainy days, so as not to affect the use of water temperature is too low.

Although the process of installing a solar water heater may seem complicated, a professional installer can ensure that the entire process goes smoothly. It is important to know that while the upfront investment is high, it is a worthwhile investment in the long run as it can significantly lower energy bills and reduce carbon emissions. Choosing a solar water heater is not only an important step towards eco-friendly living, but it is also laying the foundation for a greener home environment in the future.