What Causes a Solar Water Heater to Fail to Operate?

The reasons why solar water heaters fail to continue to operate can be attributed to the following aspects:

1. Poor quality of materials

Poor quality collector tube: The collector tube is the core component of the solar water heater. Suppose poor-quality glass or poor coating technology is used for the collector tube. In that case, the durability is poor and the heat collection effect will gradually decline, and it is easy to rupture or fail.

Poor tank liner material: If the tank liner uses low-quality stainless steel, enamel, or other materials, it is easy to corrode and leak, especially in the case of poor water quality, the corrosion rate is accelerated, resulting in premature failure of the tank.

The stent is not durable: solar water heater bracket material is not corrosion-resistant or has insufficient strength, long exposure to the elements will rust, and deformation, resulting in poor stability of the device, affecting the service life.

2. Installation irregularities

Installation angle is not suitable: the installation angle and direction of the solar water heater collector need to be aligned with the sun as much as possible. If the installation is not standardized, the collector efficiency decreases, which increases the operating load of the equipment and reduces the service life.

Bracket installation is not solid: If the bracket is not solidly installed, it may loosen or tilt in high winds or bad weather, resulting in equipment damage.

Pipes are not connected tightly: If the sealing of the tank and pipes is poor, it may easily cause water leakage, leading to internal damage to the equipment and reducing its service life.

3. Water quality problems

Scale buildup: Minerals in the water tend to form scale after heating, especially in hard water areas. Scale accumulation in the collector tube and tank will reduce heating efficiency, increase energy consumption, and ultimately lead to equipment damage.

Corrosive water quality: If the water quality is too acidic or alkaline, it is easy to corrode the inner liner of the water tank and pipes, and long-term use will accelerate the aging and damage of the equipment.

4. Environmental factors

Extreme climatic conditions: In cold, sandy, or heavily polluted areas, the solar water heater's collector efficiency may be reduced, and harsh environmental conditions accelerate the aging of materials, such as low temperatures leading to collector rupture, sandy corrosion of the bracket, and so on.

Accumulation of dust and pollutants: If the surface of the solar collector is covered by dust, pollutants, or leaves for a long time, it will affect the collector efficiency, make the equipment work excessively, and increase wear and tear.

5. Lack of regular maintenance

Collector surface is not clean: solar water heaters need to regularly clean the collector surface. If it is not cleaned for a long time, the collector efficiency will be greatly reduced, increasing the operating load of the equipment and leading to premature aging of parts.

Neglecting anti-freezing measures: In cold areas, if anti-freezing equipment is not installed, pipes and water tanks are prone to freeze in winter, leading to equipment rupture or damage.

Neglecting scale cleaning: the accumulation of scale will reduce the performance of the equipment. If the scale in the water tank and pipes is not cleaned regularly, the system pressure will increase and eventually damage the equipment.

6. Design and manufacturing defects

Insufficient vacuum in the vacuum tube: If the vacuum in the vacuum tube does not meet the standard in the manufacturing process, the insulation effect will be reduced, resulting in heat dissipation, reducing the performance and service life of the water heater.

Poor welding process: If the welding quality of the water tank, pipes, and other components is not up to standard, it may lead to water leakage, air leakage, or cracks in the water tank, affecting the service life of the equipment.

7. Overuse

Long-term overload operation: solar water heater design capacity is limited, and if frequently used beyond the design capacity, will accelerate the aging of the equipment. For example, frequent use of the electric auxiliary heating function when the tank capacity is insufficient may increase the wear and tear of the electrical components and accelerate aging.

Frequent use of auxiliary heating: In the case of insufficient sunlight, solar water heaters require electric auxiliary heating. If you rely on auxiliary heating for a long time, it will increase the equipment's usage load and shorten the water heater's service life.

8. Aging of electrical components

Controller or heating element failure: solar water heaters are usually installed with electric auxiliary heaters and temperature control devices. Suppose these electrical components are of poor quality or have been used for a long time without maintenance. In that case, they are prone to failure, resulting in unstable system operation and affecting the overall service life.