Can solar water heaters supply heat properly in winter?

Solar water heaters can be used normally in winter, the point to be clear here is that solar equipment can be used in all four seasons, but the effect will be affected by some factors, such as the intensity of the sun, the ambient temperature, and so on. To ensure that there is still an adequate supply of hot water in the cold winter, many solar water heaters are designed with appropriate anti-freezing and auxiliary heating features. Here are some key points about solar water heaters in winter:


1. Heat collection effect

In winter, the sunshine hours are shorter and the intensity of sunlight is weaker than in summer, so the heat collection efficiency of solar water heaters will be reduced. Nevertheless, the solar water heater can still absorb a certain amount of solar energy and usually still provide hot water on a sunny day, this is because it has a layer of coating on the exterior that can absorb energy, and the heat is eventually concentrated in the collector tubes, which can still work properly even in winter.

However, on cloudy or overcast days, the heating effect of the collector will be significantly reduced and may not be able to provide enough hot water.


2. Auxiliary electric heating function

Many solar water heaters are equipped with an electric auxiliary heating device so that the electric heater can be activated to ensure a sufficient supply of hot water when there is insufficient sunlight or cloudy weather. Especially in winter, users can activate the electric heating through the control panel or automatic sensor system to ensure appropriate water temperature.

This kind of auxiliary heating can make up for the problem of insufficient collector heat in winter, and it will also increase some electricity costs, but it is still more cost-effective than relying entirely on traditional electric water heaters.


3. Anti-freezing measures

In cold regions, low temperatures in winter may cause the water in the pipes or tank to freeze, which can damage the equipment and prevent the solar water heater from working properly. To avoid this, many solar water heaters are designed with anti-freeze features. Common anti-freeze feature measures include:

Automatic evacuation system: prevents water from freezing by evacuating water from pipes at night or when it is cold.

Anti-freeze electric heating strips: prevent freezing by heating the surface of the pipes to keep the water temperature inside the pipes within a non-freezing range.

To ensure that the solar water heater can operate normally in winter, you need to check the anti-freezing devices of water pipes and water tanks regularly.


4. Water tank insulation performance

The low temperature in winter requires more insulation of the water tank. Nowadays, solar water heaters are usually equipped with high-efficiency thermal insulation, even if the external temperature is very low, the hot water in the tank can maintain a relatively high temperature.

When in use, you can choose to heat and use the hot water in the sunny noon, so that the water inside the tank can maintain a higher temperature at night, which is convenient for normal use.


5. Regular maintenance

Regular maintenance is especially important when using solar water heaters in winter. You need to make sure that the components in the system, including the pipes, collector, and tank, are sealed and that the anti-freeze device is working properly.

Cleaning the surface of the collectors ensures that the system can maximize sunlight absorption even in winter.


6. Solar water heaters for cold regions

If you live in a cold area, it is recommended that you choose a vacuum tube solar water heater or a solar water heater with a freeze protection system. Vacuum tubes have better insulation than flat plate collectors and can maintain higher efficiency at low temperatures.



Solar water heaters can be used normally in winter, but their heat collection efficiency will be reduced due to less sunlight and lower temperatures. To counteract this, many solar water heaters are equipped with electrically assisted heating and anti-freeze features to ensure that they can provide sufficient hot water in winter. If you are in an area with cold winters, choosing a solar water heater with freeze protection, combined with proper maintenance, will ensure that the unit operates efficiently in the winter.